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Sachin Kumar ENGANTI's testimonial

Sachin Kumar ENGANTI`s testimonial


Sachin Kumar ENGANTI, PhD

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Indian, married


"I would definitely recommend Euraxess as it has a wide range of support services to promote research in Europe. I found my PhD opportunity through Euraxess jobportal and I benefited from information and assistance from Euraxess to help me settle in during my initial period in Luxembourg.The website is designed in such a way that a wide range of support services are easily accessible to everyone. The transition from the Netherlands to Luxembourg was very smooth with guidance (tips and assistance) from Euraxess. Overall, I would like to thank Euraxess for its efforts to support research in Europe."


1. What was your main reason for coming to Luxembourg?











 Please describe in more detail why you decided to settle in Luxembourg.

Since doing my Master’s at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, I knew about Luxembourg and its vision to endorse research. This attracted my interest in Luxembourg, and theopportunity to be a part of the IPBG project (Goodyear - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology - LIST collaboration) motivated me to move here.

2. When did you arrive in Luxembourg?


3. What type of research are you involved in? Can you tell us a bit about your work.

It is well known that a number of rubber industry products such as tyres, belts and hoses make extensive use of a variety of fibre-reinforced rubber composites. Understanding the interphase between the reinforcement and the rubber matrix is essential as the adhesion plays a vital role in improving the durability and performance of composite materials. The objective of my PhD project is to investigate the interface and interphase chemical and physical structure via a multiscale and multidisciplinary methodology using advanced characterisation techniques such as AFM, micro/nano FTIR, NanoSIMS, SEM, etc. The influence of chemical and physical properties on the interphase mechanical behaviour will then be assessed by fatigue testing including post-mortem investigations.

4. What obstacles did you have to face before arriving in Luxembourg?

Although I was in Europe for my Master’s, the time taken to receive my temporary authorisation to stay letter was too long. It was also hard to get an update about my application status from the immigration department.

5. What were the biggest challenges you had to deal with after your arrival?

The biggest challenge was to find appropriate and economical accommodation in Luxembourg.

6. What Euraxess services did you use? Services related to:

Job opportunities

Work permit

 Funding opportunities​

Entry conditions





Health insurance

Medical care



Pension rights


Career advice

Day care, schooling & family related issues


Information about the culture of the host country/ language courses




7. What role did Euraxess play in the overall process?

I found my PhD position through Euraxess. The website is designed in such a way that a wide range of support services are easily accessible to everyone. The transition from the Netherlands to Luxembourg was very smooth with guidance (tips and assistance) from Euraxess. Overall, I would like to thank Euraxess for its efforts to support research in Europe.

8. What is the best thing about living / working in Luxembourg and why?

I feel it is very peaceful and safe to live in Luxembourg.

9. What did you find surprising when you moved to Luxembourg?

The traffic.

10. What is the main difference between Luxembourg and your country of origin (personally and professionally)?

The PhD working atmosphere is very pleasant in Luxembourg when compared to India. I have a sufficient amount of time to concentrate on my health and fitness.

11. What do you miss about your home country?

Food, friends and family.

12. What has Luxembourg given you professionally and personally?

Pleasant working atmosphere and lifetime friends.

13. What are your future plans, either in Luxembourg or abroad?

After my PhD, I would like to find a job in an R&D department in Luxembourg.

14. Would you recommend Euraxess and why?

I would definitely recommend Euraxess as it has a wide range of support services to promote research in Europe. I found my PhD opportunity through Euraxess and I benefited from information and assistance from Euraxess to help me settle in during my initial period in Luxembourg.

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